Thursday, November 8, 2007

library workshops for faculty (staff, grad students, RAs and TAs welcome, too!)

Interested in learning more about library resources and services? Attend one of our Workshops for Faculty! These 80-minute, hands-on sessions are held on Wednesdays throughout November and December. We’ll bring the coffee!

Register at:

Impact Factors and Journal Citation Reports
Wednesday, November 14, 10am

Are you choosing a vessel for publication? Do you want to know how often a particular journal is cited compared to other journals in the field or which are the "hottest journals"? In this hands-on session geared towards all disciplines, learn how ISI’s Journal Citation Reports, Cited Reference searches, and Google Scholar can provide you with some very useful information for grants and publishing.
Location: e-classroom (TH 253)
Instructors: Marcie Jacklin, Jennifer Thiessen

Wednesday, November 21, 10am

ARTstor is a repository for over 500, 000 digital images, including photographs, paintings, architecture, and sculpture and more. Come to this session to learn how to use images with lectures or enhance presentations.
Location: e-classroom (TH 253)
Instructors: Laurie Morrison, Keri Cronin

Government e- Documents
Wednesday, November 28, 10am
This workshop will provide an overview of how to access Canadian federal and Ontario provincial electronic documents. Areas to be covered include parliamentary, departmental and justice related web resources. Come and improve your skills in using digital government documents!
Location: e-classroom (TH 253)
Instructor: Kevin Manuel

Special Collections
Wednesday, December 5, 10am

Looking for primary records or rare books for your research? Discover strategies and databases that can help you find these unique resources and learn what materials are available at Brock University. (Coffee will not be served at this session).
Location: Special Collections, 10th floor (Library)
Instructor: David Sharron, Head of Special Collections and Archives

Search Alerts and Journal Alerts
Wednesday, December 12, 2pm

Do your research while you sleep! Keep up with journal articles in your research area by having your favourite searches and table of contents of journals sent to your inbox or feed reader.
Location: e-classroom (TH 253)
Instructors: Justine Cotton, Jennifer Thiessen

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